Even though you are a problem solver and a high-achiever, there are unseen hazards lurking in places that you might never have considered impeding your progress.
It is infuriating, exhausting, and quite frankly depressing to have all the awards, all the degrees, all of the compliments, yet still hesitate and second-guess yourself.
Does this sound like your life?
- Trying to be all things to all people
- Neglecting your well-being to serve others
- Continually chasing perfection
- Unable to communicate what I need in a positive way
I get it... Despite leading test operations for NASA missions and military and Homeland Security projects for over fifteen years, I could never bring myself to celebrate my and my teams' accomplishments. I just felt... "meh"
I can remember standing on a stage on the verge of tears almost 20 years ago, receiving a letter of commendation from the Department of Defense for a project that I was a leader on for a couple of years.
I was terrified that when they called my name, they were going to say, "John, we finally realized you don't deserve this because you've been BS’ing us all these years."
What was supposed to be a pinnacle moment of my career turned into a self-imposed nightmare.
Eventually, I decided there had to be a more fulfilling way to exist. For the past 10 years, I have worked with coaches and counselors and have done the work to understand my authentic self.
I have built the skills and resilience to turn up the volume of my confidence so I can feel the joy of all the hard work I put into my life, my loved ones, and my community.
I want you to live well, love well, and serve well with confidence, which is why I created the Elite Level Confidence Coaching Program.